The new line of Dahle CleanTEC paper and media shredders are the most advanced shredders ever manufactured. The CleanTEC namesake is derived from the new air and dust filtration system which removes 98% of the fine dust that is created from paper, cd-rom or dvd material, reducing Indoor Air Pollution and improving air quality. In addition to the dust filtering system the new CleanTEC document shredders are at the pinnacle of the shredding food chain.
Let’s take a look at the new EvenFlow Lubricator feature. As with many of you, when we hear EvenFlow, we think of Pearl Jam. A new Dahle CleanTEC shredder, just like Pearl Jam, is a well oiled machine. Gone are the days where your shredder fails because everyone in your office expects that the next or last guy oiled the shredder. With the transition to cross cut shredding machines, the need to keep your shredder oiled on a regular basis is an absolute must. Failure to oil the machine regularly, with the proper amount of oil, and you will find yourself in a constant cycle of purchasing new shredders.
When do you oil your shredder? How much oil? And, who is in charge of oiling the shredder?
In the past, all of these questions had to be answered in order to keep your shredder running properly.
Now, just follow these simple steps!
- Open the front door of the shredder, and on the left hand side, slide out the oil reservoir
- Open the yellow oil cap
- Fill with a complete bottle of oil
- Call Toll Free 866-867-0306 to order more oil, waste bags, and the CleanTEC Air Filter
- Remember to keep a close eye on the oil indicator light, located next to the power button. When the light comes on, repeat this process!
Dahle shredders has recently engineered the new CleanTEC filtration technology and incorporated a shredded paper dust filtering system into their brand new
line of paper shredders, ensuring that offices are safer to work in and improve the air quality. The new CleanTEC and SafeTEC paper shredders improve safety and the filtration system has been shown to reduce the fine dust produced from document shredding.
Dahle CleanTec Shredders at a glance…
- Better health protection: New filter system reduces fine dust for improved air quality in the office.
- Better supervision: Shredded paper volume is always measured for an uninterrupted workflow and improved efficiency.
- Better safety: Automatic switch-off function responds to calls for help, and in case of emergency will immediately stop the paper shredder motor.
- Greater convenience: Regulating cutter lubrication is made easy with an automated integrated oil reservoir – improves the life cycle of the paper shredder and gives you GREATER ROI!
- Greater environmental concern: CDs/DVDs and credit cards are separated automatically into separate waste containers.
What is fine dust and how does it affect health?
Many people do not realize that there is microscopic dust all around us. It’s a natural part of our world, unseen to the eye. Further to this, each and every sheet of paper that goes through the paper shredder also produces particles of fine dust that are invisible to the eye, unfortunately these dust particles can pose a health risk over time. Typically these unseen dust particles are carried through the air and into the respiratory tract. For some people this can cause and allergic reactions or other illnesses. For ultra fine dust particles, it is easy for them to find their way into the lungs, and while there the potential for being absorbed into the bloodstream futher increases the risk to health.
The new CleanTEC document shredders come standard with Dahle’s innovative filtration system, providing the first solution to reduce fine dust from shredded paper and improving health in the office.