The paper on your desk isn’t going away. The forms you need to fill out or have clients/customers fill out aren’t going away. Even as we live in the age of e-mail, online payments and transferring documents via zip/flash drives. We still need paper and we still need to address the security concerns that surround that paper. Those forms, receipts, order-sheets and statements have valuable information on them and remember; even its old and out of date, it can still be valuable to someone else. Someone who doesn’t have your best interests in heart; thieves pluck those documents out the trash and use the information on them to steal from you or your customers. It’s your responsibility to see that all that paper is disposed of in a safe and secure manner. That means you need a paper shredder.
What is the status of paper in today’s business world?
Paper consumption has risen 400% since 1970. The flip-side to that is that in the last ten years (2000-2010) paper production has declined on average of 1% per year. There are a lot of reasons for that double-sided statistic. People print double-sided documents, screen technology is easier on the eyes, paperless storage technology is on the rise and email became vastly more popular and efficient then faxes and mailed correspondences. There are less pleasant reasons as well; such as white collar unemployment and companies printing less brochures and catalogs.
Despite the technological advancements of the last forty years, paper remains a constant in offices. You use for virtually everything; checks, stationary, envelopes, business reports/documents, printers, fax machines, advertisements, coupons, personal care products such as paper towels, toilet paper and issues. You would be hard-pressed to find an office that doesn’t have most if not all of those items. The world at large is still hungry for paper as well. In 2010, over 300 million metric tons of paper products were used and sold worldwide. Of that total, over 68 million metric tons were used in the United States; we consume the most out of every country. In fact, the average US office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper each year and the average US consumer uses 749 lbs of paper products each year.
The main reason you need a shredder for the masses of paper that run through your office each year is security-oriented. Thieves will fish paper out of the trash for numbers for bank accounts, social security and credit cards, the main ingredients for identity theft; of which, there 15 million victims in 2010, which is 10% higher than the year before; corporate espionage is a constant threat as well. It accounted for $15 billion in 2010 and with a growth rate of 15%, the FBI declared it the fastest growing crime in the United States; Despite the various pieces of federal legislation enacted to protect clients and consumers; 1996 – HIPAA, 2002 – Sarbanes-Oxley, 2003 – FACTA and PCI-DSS in 2004.
People need shredders and they’re developing a taste and sense for good ones. What do people look for in a shredder nowadays? Increased waste volume for fewer bag changes, increased sheet capacity, the ability to shred other media and 12” feed width and machines that require no or minimal maintenance. Add that to the fact that sales for strip cut shredders are declining and wide format (14 7/8”) printing is dead and you start to get a better picture. Another question you should consider when looking at shredding options is on-site vs. off-site shredding.
There are also environmental and safety concerns to be considered. UL has shifted from the 1950 to the 60950 standard and the EPA warns to careful about indoor air pollution, such as the paper dust caused by shredders. People want energy efficiency and to join the trend of “going green”.
For customers who would like all these concerns met and considered, Dahle Professional Shredders offers their CleanTEC line of shredders. They offer increased waste capacities in all ranges, increased sheet capacities and safe technology such as; verbal and contact emergency stop features and proximity sensors. The CleanTEC line also has electronic sensing protection (ESP) and a sheet capacity sensor which prevents overfeeding. The CleanTEC technology removes 98% of the fine dust generated by shredding and its SmartPower multi-stage power management system saves energy. The even flow lubrication ensures that the machine is oiled when and where it’s needed and it is quiet. All machines are made to run in the high 40s to low 50s db rating which should be acceptable in any work environment.
K.L. Security recognizes that secure and efficient shredders are an important part of office security; which is why we offer security and commercial shredders from Dahle. They are a company we believe in and their CleanTEC models can serve well in your office or home.
Improving Air Quality in the Workplace through Paper Shredder Technology
Printers, copier machines, and paper shredders all contribute to the air you breathe in the office, and the contributions they are making are not healthy. Obviously, the more of these machines you have, the worse it gets. Micro dust is being added to your work environment every day and the smaller these particles are, the more harmful they can be.
For the home user who shreds infrequently, this is not a serious concern, but for businesses that shred more frequently, and for sustained periods of time, this is very much a concern. These micro dust particles can be hazardous to your health, and have been known to contribute to various respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and sore throats. Allergic reactions, migraines, and conjunctivitis are also associated with paper dust pollution, so isn’t it time your office started to take this seriously?
The new Dahle CleanTEC paper shredder range is designed to help you do just that. They have an innovative air filtration system that is built-in to the shredder. It is mounted right next to the cutting cylinders so that it can collect the dust directly from the source before channeling it through a closed system until it reaches a filter.
The 3-ply air and dust filter is mounted on the rear of the paper shredder and can collect up to 98% of these fine paper particles. It binds them together so that they don’t contaminate your environment and can last up to six months or more before it needs replaced. The filter is also environmentally friendly because the non-woven material that it is made of is fully recyclable.
Other pioneering features on these shredders include enhanced safety controls, automatic oilers, an energy-efficient power management system, and a sensor that prevents you from overloading the cutters.
So, if you are interested in improving the air quality in your offices, Dahle’s CleanTec shredders are a great way to get started. They’re clean, efficient and a responsible way to show you care about the health of your workforce.
Dahle’s new CleanTEC paper shredders are a cut above the competition thanks to some groundbreaking new features that are guaranteed to raise a few eyebrows. Here’s what you can expect.
Clean Technologies
The newest and most impressive innovation is the CleanTEC filtration system. It traps up to 98% of the fine dust that is produced under normal shredding conditions. The particles are funneled through an enclosed system to a filter at the back of the machine and permanently bound together. This means you are guaranteed a cleaner and healthier workplace for your employees.
Safer than Ever
Safety features also get a significant upgrade with the CleanTEC range. A voice command option allows you to activate an emergency shutdown with the word ‘Stop’, and the same action can be achieved by tapping the pressure sensitive top cover. You will even find electronic sensors around the blades that cease shredding operations when they detect the presence of fingers near the cutting blades, and an extra emergency shutdown button is located on the back of the paper shredder.
Hi-Tech Features
The new Electronic Sensing Protection is able to sense how many sheets of paper you are trying to shred at one time, and will not allow you to exceed the maximum load for each machine. An LED command dial gives you a visual indicator of how close you are to the maximum capacity and helps to ensure that paper jams are a thing of the past. Additional controls will alert you when the shredder bin needs emptied, or when the particle filter needs replaced, and some models even include automatic oilers to save you time when maintaining your shredder.
Efficient Operation
You don’t use your paper shredder all the time, but the chances are high that you still leave it on all day. As convenient as this may be, it wastes energy and adds to your company’s utility bills each month. Dahle’s new CleanTEC lineup has a solution for just this scenario. Its SmartPower Energy Management System automatically goes into standby mode after 10 minutes of inactivity, and goes one step further by eliminating all power usage after being dormant for 30 minutes.
So, if your current paper shredders have seen better days, now is the time for an upgrade to the Dahle CleanTEC. Call our customer service representatives today for a free quote on a new, state of the art Dahle paper shredder.
The new line of Dahle CleanTEC paper and media shredders are the most advanced shredders ever manufactured. The CleanTEC namesake is derived from the new air and dust filtration system which removes 98% of the fine dust that is created from paper, cd-rom or dvd material, reducing Indoor Air Pollution and improving air quality. In addition to the dust filtering system the new CleanTEC document shredders are at the pinnacle of the shredding food chain.
Let’s take a look at the new EvenFlow Lubricator feature. As with many of you, when we hear EvenFlow, we think of Pearl Jam. A new Dahle CleanTEC shredder, just like Pearl Jam, is a well oiled machine. Gone are the days where your shredder fails because everyone in your office expects that the next or last guy oiled the shredder. With the transition to cross cut shredding machines, the need to keep your shredder oiled on a regular basis is an absolute must. Failure to oil the machine regularly, with the proper amount of oil, and you will find yourself in a constant cycle of purchasing new shredders.
When do you oil your shredder? How much oil? And, who is in charge of oiling the shredder?
In the past, all of these questions had to be answered in order to keep your shredder running properly.
Now, just follow these simple steps!
- Open the front door of the shredder, and on the left hand side, slide out the oil reservoir
- Open the yellow oil cap
- Fill with a complete bottle of oil
- Call Toll Free 866-867-0306 to order more oil, waste bags, and the CleanTEC Air Filter
- Remember to keep a close eye on the oil indicator light, located next to the power button. When the light comes on, repeat this process!
Dahle shredders has recently engineered the new CleanTEC filtration technology and incorporated a shredded paper dust filtering system into their brand new
- Dust filters in Dahle Paper Shredders improve health by reducing fine dust particles in the air.
line of paper shredders, ensuring that offices are safer to work in and improve the air quality. The new CleanTEC and SafeTEC paper shredders improve safety and the filtration system has been shown to reduce the fine dust produced from document shredding.
Dahle CleanTec Shredders at a glance…
- Better health protection: New filter system reduces fine dust for improved air quality in the office.
- Better supervision: Shredded paper volume is always measured for an uninterrupted workflow and improved efficiency.
- Better safety: Automatic switch-off function responds to calls for help, and in case of emergency will immediately stop the paper shredder motor.
- Greater convenience: Regulating cutter lubrication is made easy with an automated integrated oil reservoir – improves the life cycle of the paper shredder and gives you GREATER ROI!
- Greater environmental concern: CDs/DVDs and credit cards are separated automatically into separate waste containers.
What is fine dust and how does it affect health?
Many people do not realize that there is microscopic dust all around us. It’s a natural part of our world, unseen to the eye. Further to this, each and every sheet of paper that goes through the paper shredder also produces particles of fine dust that are invisible to the eye, unfortunately these dust particles can pose a health risk over time. Typically these unseen dust particles are carried through the air and into the respiratory tract. For some people this can cause and allergic reactions or other illnesses. For ultra fine dust particles, it is easy for them to find their way into the lungs, and while there the potential for being absorbed into the bloodstream futher increases the risk to health.
The new CleanTEC document shredders come standard with Dahle’s innovative filtration system, providing the first solution to reduce fine dust from shredded paper and improving health in the office.